Habib Office
Accounting & Financial Consultation

Habib Office has been established by accountant Nashaat Fakhry Habib to provide integrated professional services in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation, financial consultation and companies’ establishment.

Our Services

Our Services

Accounting Services

Auditing Services

Taxation Services

Consultation Services

Accounting Services

First: Internal control systems and documentary cycles:-

This service includes the preparation of all regulations and design the documentary cycles that achieve the internal control system for the company, including but not limited to:-

• Design an appropriate chart of accounts for the activity.
• Design the required documentary cycles for all store keeping and control activity.
• Design the required documentary cycles for all payment transactions including cash payments.
• Design the required documentary cycles for local and imported purchasing transactions.
• Design the required documentary cycles for sales transactions.

Second: Book keeping service:-

This service includes book keeping by colleagues accountant specialized in that field, which includes:-

• Recording in the accounting books which should be maintained as per Egyptians laws.
• Recording the financial transactions of the company to prepare the yearly financial statements or the interim financial statements.
• Determine the periodically business result of the company and its financial position.
• Preparing the accounting and financial reports as per company’s board requirements or any other external parties.
• Setting up, preparing and examine the integrated system programs to be suitable for company’s needs in recording accounting transactions and determining the business result, in case of company’s board desire to implement the integrated system programs.

Let us help you!

Auditing services

This service includes:-

• Performing the audit tasks in accordance with the Egyptian auditing standards and in the light of the Egyptian laws in force, which require obtaining appropriate assurance that the financial statements do not contain any significant errors, through a test examination of the documents and evidence, as well as the integrity of the presentation of the financial statements and their conformity with the accounting records.
• Our responsibility is limited to express an opinion only in the financial statements. Financial statements preparation is responsibility of management’s company along with choosing the accounting policies which achieve the internal control.
• Provide a letter of note to company management in case of weaknesses appear in the internal control system or in any other areas that may need to raise the level of efficiency and effectiveness.
• Conducting a limited periodical examination of the financial statements in case we are instructed to do so.

Let us help you!

Taxation services

This service includes:-

• Review the annual tax return of the company as we are the client’s auditor.
• Review quarterly tax return which should be submitted in accordance with the Income Tax Law.
• Review the monthly Value Added Tax return.
• Take over the issues of tax dispute that may arise between our clients and the Egyptian Tax Authority.

Let us help you!

Consultation services

This service includes:-

• Study the financial structure of the company as well as the financing needs, and supervise the preparation of the file of funding requests from banks in case the company needs to do so.
• Financial leasing and sell and leaseback transactions.
• Establish all type of companies in Egypt and UAE.
• Performing training programs for human resources of the company on all skills that raise their competence to ensure good business performance.

Let us help you!

We are located at:

Egypt, Cairo:
Building 36 Heliopolis Gardens,
Elmoltaka Elaraby district, 2nd floor,
Sheraton, Alnozha, Cairo, Egypt.

Cell:+20122 3941 421
Phone: +202 2065 0320
Fax: +202 2065 0310
Email: nashaat@habiboffice.com

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